Lost Dog

Sasha is my beloved 3 year old Brittany Spaniel.


She's hyper, really, really hyper- I call her my adhd dog.  Last night when I was walking her & Goldie before going to bed I did what I rarely do- let her off of her lead.  She has so much energy I wanted to let her have a good run.


I've recently moved into Christchurch (Dublin City Centre) from a seaside town 20 miles to the north of Dublin where we used to go jogging on the beach 3 times a week- there I could safely let her off the lead.


Last night I felt sorry for her that she hadn't run free in a few days, and because it was late & there was no traffic on our street I unleashed her.  She instantly ran off, into the nearby apartments.  Fine I thought, she'll come back in a minute.  I kept my eye on the entrance she'd run down, thinking that she'd ran into a dead end.  


After 10 minutes she still wasn't back, so I walked after her.  It was then that I discovered there was a way out the other side.  The way out led to a busy road- near the Quays of Dublin City Centre, even after midnight there is quite a bit of traffic.


I walked round & along the river with no Sasha in sight.  I looked into the river Liffey, it was flowing fast.  Sasha has a tendancy to run straight into things before looking.  Only last week she jumped down a 6 foot drop without even batting an eyelid.  I hoped she hadn't decided to jump into the river chasing birds- that's what she did a few nights ago when walking her in Phoenix park.  She discovered a pond with ducks & I spent 20 mins calling her before she finally decided to stop chasing the ducks & come back to me!


I spent nearly 2 hours looking for her, waiting for her to find her way home.  I heard her barking in the distance a couple of times but she didn't find her way back to me.  I finally went to bed at 2.30am.


This morning I tweeted about Sasha going missing on twitter and I was overwhelmed with the supportive tweets & the ReTweets helping me put the word out.


I got about 200 RTs from people helping me find her, it was amazing.  I got people as far away as Japan & America RTing her- just in case any of their followers were in Dublin or knew someone who was.


I received so many useful suggestions- where to post online about lost dogs, who to call & tweets reassuring me that she'd find her way home.


I also posted on facebook & several people shared my post- asking their friends to keep an eye out for her too.


She's the most adorable little dog, difficult to handle because of her abundance of energy but I love her.  I miss her.  I feel sad that as I sit here & type her bed is empty.


I'll go and look for her again in the morning and hopefully I'll find her, or find out that someone has taken her in and that she's safe.


I've had so many messages of prayers & positive vibes it's very touching.


Thank you everyone that's helped, asked about her, & offered ways to help find her.


If you haven't already- please pass on the word- she was last seen on Wednesday 2nd Sept around midnight near Christchurch, Dublin 8.


Let's hope this story has a happy ending.  I'm trusting that everything happens for a reason & that she's safe & sound somewhere being taken care of.


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Comments: 2
  • #1

    Pageturners (Friday, 04 September 2009 03:23)

    Phone numbers for pounds: DSPCA 4935504/6 ISPCA 4977874 Dog warden, Ashton Pound 8383286, and strays and emergencies; Ranelagh Pound 4977316 - but go and visit the pounds, and keep visiting, they're not always that efficient

  • #2

    Claire Boyles LifeMatters (Monday, 07 September 2009 06:45)

    Thanks! I had called them all- she's found now :) Yayy! I picked her up on Saturday- I've written a new blog post about it.

    Thanks so much for the help, really appreciated :)